I saw a little black bug
On my bathroom floor
Hey guy, I thought
This is a bug free zone
I don’t want you here!
My first thought, flush him
But then I saw his tiny legs
Rhythmically moving, all six of them
Like rowers on a boat
He crossed a tile
And then another one
He was very determined
My shadow hovered over him
So mighty, a giant’s giant
He rowed merrily on his way
He didn’t swerve or slow
His persistent little legs and feet
They saved him for another day
Gently I gathered him in a tissue
Carried him into my garden
Deposited him by a fragrant rose
I hope he’ll find his way home
From there


I like to shop for things
Books old or new
Crisp pages or dog-eared
Any kind will do
I want
I want to shop
To shop for things
Rolls of ribbon, red or blue
Silk flowers or rings
Anything you know will do
A length of cloth
A dress, a pair of shoes
Perhaps a toy sloth
I want
I want more things
Just things and things
Little things, shiny things
Hair clips, ear rings
I love to shop and spend
A dime, maybe four
Such joy to change it for
One thing perhaps more.
Just things!